Bittersweet / by 4Most Gallery

July 24, 2021

Bittersweet By David Wells (aka Ninety-Nine) and Ben Kormins (aka Tufted Trash)

“Bittersweet” by David Wells and Benjamin Komins,  is a collaborative show that will reveal the creative processes of screen printing on clothing and rug making. Grounded in the Gainesville skateboarding and art community, Wells and Komins hope to encourage people to do what they love, while being kind to yourself and others. During the pop-up show at 4Most, Wells will screen-print in the gallery space while Komins will reveal the process of rug making. The artists will fill the gallery with their works for sale including apparel and rugs. Gallery goers can also bring clothing to be screen printed on. All proceeds go directly to the artists.


Ninety Nine and TuftedTrash are the creative projects of two best friends: David Wells and Benjamin Komins. Ninety Nine is a print shop owned by Wells that is grounded in Gainesville’s skateboarding and art community, focusing on screen printing clothing. Tufted Trash is a by hand, rug making operation by Komins with a goal of making functional art. They can found on Instagram @tuftedtrash and @99printshop.